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MediaMonkey Gold Full Version

MediaMonkey Gold Full Version
MediaMonkey Gold Full Version adalah sebuah software media player yang dapat anda gunakan untuk memutar musik dan sekaligus sebagai manajer musik dan media jukebox bagi anda para penikmat musik sejati yang gemar mengoleksi musik. Dengan menggunakan software ini anda dapat mengelola berbagai macam format file musik antara lain : CDs, OGG, WMA, MPC, FLAC, APE, WAV dan MP3 audio.

Seperti biasa saya sudah sediakan link download MediaMonkey Gold beserta keygennya agar software media player ini menjadi software full version. Bagi anda yang berminat silahkan di download.
MediaMonkey Gold Full Version
MediaMonkey Gold Full Version
Berikut ini fitur-fitur MediaMonkey Gold Full Version:
  • Find music with advanced search functionality that digs through your collection to find tracks according to almost any criteria that you can think of. Search for Composer, Year, Beats per minute; find Lyrics, etc. and stop pulling your hair out trying to find music you know you have.
  • Customize your library by setting filters to display only Artists or Albums that match criteria that you set. For example, set a filter that causes Artists to appear in the tree only if they contain Albums that are currently available, and are of any genre other than ‘Children’.
  • Encode unlimited MP3s without having to manually install a new MP3 encoder (the free version of MediaMonkey includes a time-limited LAME MP3 encoder. If you’re so inclined, you can manuallyreplace it with the free LAME encoder, or you can just upgrade to MediaMonkey Gold).
  • Catalog your physical CDs and use the Virtual CD feature to keep track of what CDs you own and at the same time see which subset of tracks from those CDs are copied to your hard drive. Instead of tracking your CDs and tracks separately, the virtual CD function gives you an integrated view..
  • Import and save audio tracks from Audio CDs and MP3 CDs with unprecedented flexibility using the Virtual CD. It allows you to sample tracks from various sources, select which ones you want to import, and then import and save the files in a single operation.
  • Create Previews, short samples of audio tracks, that you can use when trying to decide which audio files you want to add to your collection.
  • Use a Sleep Timer to play your music, gradually fade it over a set period of time, and then turn off your PC – perfect for listening to tunes before you go to sleep.
  • Burn CDs at the maximum speed permitted by your hardware.
OS Requirements:
  • Windows 8, Windows 7, Windows Vista, Windows XP SP2
Link Download 



19 komentar:

  1. lengkap banget kang MediaMonkey Gold Full Versionnya... sepertinya saya harus coba ... mau download dulu ya kang

  2. coba unduh ah, mumpung inet lg kenceng

  3. MediaMonkey ini premium ya, kirain freeware :) Untung sajah sudah di sediain keygennya jadi bisa digunakan dengan maksimal :)

  4. Waah yang berbayar jadi gratis hebat juga ya? Hehe

    makasih mas share softwarenya

  5. MediaMonkey Gold Full Versionnya lebih lengkap yang ini sepertinya dari yang kemarin ya Sob ?


  6. Mantep ne full version.. Izin koleksi mas

  7. widiihh , , ,namnya unik ya maz marnez , , ,baru denger nihhh . . .

  8. thanks mas softwarenya setau saya dulunya ini berbayar sekarang udah bisa gratis

    1. ada 2 pilihan mas yang free sama yang berbayar :)

  9. saingan dari winamp, aimp dan lain2

  10. Coba pasang ..biar tau sensasinya :)

  11. jadi ada pilihannya, banyak pilihan banyak senssai. hehe

  12. yang penting mp3 saya bisa diputar :)

    masih nyaman dengan aimp yang simpel tapi fiturnya wow :)
